Botswana Botch Up

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So much excitement feeding the elephant…such a little mouth under that huge trunk! Docile and content – but not always…

We were in our open Land Rover with the best guides in Botswana when they saw a large herd, as many as 40 elephants coming our way. The guides slid the Rover into a shadowy, small space where we could look up to see the herd passing very close. The giant matriarch of the herd walked in front and the others followed her. Quiet… quiet as could be and then suddenly the blaring of our car radio as another guide was advising where many lions were gathered. Very unfortunate as the matriarch suddenly turned and crashed toward our noise. We were right in her angry path – and we all held our breath – two steps more, and we would have been crushed.

She loomed above us like a cartoon giant – ears flapping (bad sign) and abruptly stopped, looking down at us. We were quiet all right, too stupefied to move. Then as quickly as she had been charging, she turned and walked slowly away. Whew! A very close call, and a safari incident to remember forever. Writing about it just now, I feel my heart pumping faster.

Another time, we were chased by a young male, but that was “peanuts” compared to this! But if I could visit Africa once a year and see these animals wild in their native surroundings, I would make the trip. I loved every minute being in Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana.